We are specialized in the colouring and additivation of granules of any polymer using an exclusive and patented process: each granule is covered with a lay of colour, fixed on the surface and remains neutral on the inside. The result is a moulded product with a full colour without flaws or black spots.

Our strenghts: quality, rapidness and production flexibility

un'infinità di colori su campione

on sample

materiale deumidificato e pronto da stampare

and ready for moulding

velocità, affidabilità e qualità certificata

and certified quality

piccole e grandi produzioni

and large


A patented system

The granules are processed with a special vacuum machinery, where the polymer is completely dehumidified with the colour evenly spread and fixed on its surface. Avoiding the process of extrusion all its properties, both mechanical and optical, are best preserved.

A sustainable choice

Chosing  Vesticolor® means to pay attention to our environment and the life of today and tomorrow: the advantages due to the energy saving for the colouring process and the possibility of using recycled plastics and bioplastics in a circular economy are Certified ISCC+.

una scelta sostenibile

High energy saving. Carbon foot print of 10% compared to similar processes

No fusion, less required energy, no waste, clean process

tecnologia adatta a bioplastica e plastica riciclata

Special technology suitable for recycled plastic and bioplastic

Colour without fusion
productive steps  energy saving

ISCC + certification


For a circular economy